Consulting and Services

Consulting and Services


    Initial and periodic technical assessment of aircraft, during the leasing process, for the lessor bank or for the lessee. Technical support in aircraft return processes. Aeronautical engineering tasks. Aeronautical technology tasks. Technical assistance in aeronautical judicial expertise processes. (Independent) Technical assistance to law firms during acquisition, return or acquisition after leasing contract. Aircraft Pre-Purchase Inspections.

Aircraft Maintenance

We supervise and participate in aircraft inspections and repairs, all tasks and compliance "in loco" guidelines, technically checking each safety wire, assembly, calibration of all tools and equipment used, with supporting photos, replacement and testing of components or engine function check.

As we have experience and have already carried out, ourselves, 90% of the regular tasks of inspections and anomalies found in the aircraft of the main manufacturers, we are able to predict and analyze the “labor” man/hour charged in the aircraft's inspections, being able to negotiate each since such a time is shown to be far above the presumed for the task.

We audit the technical control of the service provider regarding the company's documents with the approval agency, technical team of mechanics and inspectors, who work on the aircraft, update of Maintenance Manuals, Airworthiness Guidelines.


When your aircraft has a problem that can be legally solved in accordance with current legislation, except for exceptions where test equipment is required, or there is a technical decision to do so, we will not simply take it to a service center, we will troubleshoot and replace it. legally the failed component.

We put at your disposal the many years of experience in maintenance, aeronautical and avionics operation so that you can make the most technical, efficient and economical choice of an aircraft without losing the most important item of operation, safety.

What sets us apart is the way we supervise and not just follow up on the inspection of your aircraft.

Cost management and planning

Study of cost versus operation and administration of aircraft and engine maintenance programs such as Falcon Care, PW ESP, Honeywell MSP engines and APUs, Avionics, in what is most profitable in relation to the company's operations.

Operation, management and updating of inspection control programs and the useful life of components such as CAMP, CMP etc...

Creation of a control spreadsheet for auditing these programs.

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